Josh, Kelly, Everett, Emery, Atticus & Boo

Follow our day to day life through marriage, work, raising twins, and so much more. This is our Life As We Know It...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Counting the Days...

Till summer is here! It seems that lately I have the daily thought of...I'm not sure I can make it one more day...But..some how I still wake up at 6:00 and go to work everyday.

This year has just been so different then any other I've had. It's come with many ups and downs. Today, when a few different kids in my class told another student that it was time he went and talked to somebody about his "issues" I knew that I hadn't lost my mind. If an eight year old can say that to another eight year old, then it must be that bad.

Anyways...needless to say I'm counting the days to summer...

1 comment:

Jaimee Granberry said... I can leave comments!:)